Friday, December 3, 2010

Baby Steps

Due to the help of my brother and Joan, as well as Google Translate, I have perfected a little bit of my French.  I still have ways to go.  But I have taken some baby steps.  Today I went to the French Toursism Office.  Knowing my luck, I ended up talking to the only lady in the office who didn't speak English... go figure.  At least I could understand enough to know what the big festivities are this weekend in Aix.  The rest I guess I can figure out on my own.

I made it through my second trip to the grocery store... although when I left it began to hail!  Awesome.

Mark and I went bowling with his coworkers at ITER.  It was quite an eventful evening.  I think every lane we bowled on ended up breaking down, but somehow I still ended up with the highest score!  I won some kind of certificate... I don't think it really means anything except that I beat everyone else!  Afterwards we went to the "famous" Irish pub, O'Sullivan's... had a few drinks and headed home.

Tomorrow we hope to make it to le Centre Ville for the parade and party for Noel.  More to come soon!

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