Friday, December 10, 2010

Donna Summer - My Inspiration!

I was walking back to the hotel yesterday, having just left the bank, when Donna Summer's classic hit "I Will Survive" popped into my head.  I hadn't even heard that song playing anywhere, but it definitely summarized the past few days.

I walked around town on Tuesday, visited the flower market and fruit/vegetable market, looked for all the famous fountains in Aix, and did some Christmas shopping.  I went into a clothing store looking for a particular gift and found myself confronted with the sales woman.  "Oh no, I have to try to understand her." (They talk so fast)  But I survived!  I even surprised myself a bit because I understood everything she said, including asking me if I wanted the items gift wrapped.  Sweet.

Wednesday night I made a yummy Chicken and Shrimp in a Creamy Dijon Pistacio Sauce for dinner.  Of course, when I went shopping for the ingredients I had to buy shrimp with the heads still on... that's how they're sold in France.  So I survived yet another trip to the grocery store (I feel like I'm making improvements every time and can finally understand the cashiers).  The next feat was making the shrimp.  Yes, this would be an experience.  I dumped the shrimp out of the little fresh-bag and stared at the bowl while the little shrimp stared right back up at me.  Deep breath... another deep breath... and I did it!  I survived!  I pulled the heads off of ten shrimp!  Agh!  And I didn't need Mark's masculine nature to do it for me.

Yesterday was probably my biggest nerve-wrecking experience.  Mark and I need insurance for our apartment.  That meant I had to go to the bank to ask about insurance.  Oh dear Lord.  I went to the bank along the Cours Mirabeau because I figured it was the biggest branch in town and someone must speak English.  Turns out I had to go to the branch on our checks which is along the Cours Sextius.  At least I knew where it was.  I was able to successfully let the teller know I needed to speak to someone about apartment insurance.  She got an office agent to come help me.  We sat down.  She seemed nice.  Apologized for it being too hot in her office.  I told her what I was looking for.  She nodded.  Then she started talking fast French!  Aaahhh!  It's hard enough when it's just conversational, but when we're talking about a quote for apartment insurance... now that's another story.  Yet somehow, I survived!  Of course there were a few moments of "Je ne comprends pas".  Even so, I was able to tell her the details of the apartment and understand her when she asked if we had any dependents living with us, if the apartment was furnished or not, and if we wanted to buy the insurance now or wait.   Definitely gonna wait.  Luckily, Mark was able to buy the insurance through the branch at his office where he set up the account - I'm not sure if I would've survived another interpretation extravaganza.  But maybe, just maybe, I would survive.

On a more serious note, Mark and I are happy to have another survivor among us.  Mark's dad had some surgery done this week, and we are very pleased that Jim has made it home safely.  Love you, Jim, and can't wait to see you for Christmas!!!

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